It’s Been a Minute…

Oh, boy. Where to begin?

The last time I uploaded anything here was March and a LOT has happened since then! I resigned from my call at St. John’s in Littlestown, PA as of April 30th and had a break of about two months.

In that time, I travelled to California to see my family and Pittsburg to see dear friends. We hosted several folks at our home and I enjoyed time by myself while my son was at daycare and my husband was at work.

Leaving St. John’s was complicated and I really treasured this time to relax, regroup, and reflect on my almost five years with that congregation.

Not working couldn’t last forever, either for our bank account or my quickly-approaching-boredom mind, so I was excited to begin a new interim call at Grace Lutheran in Westminster, Maryland. It’s a different synod, but only about forty minutes from home–and I’m actually glad to have a commute to listen to my audiobooks again! I’m part of an interim team with a pastor I’ve known for several years and I am looking forward to working with him and the people of Grace. It’s a larger congregation than I’m used to, and that makes this challenging and interesting!

Now it’s back to work!

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